Noodles & Company: ParmAMAZING | Fortnight Collective

Noodles & Company

What’s the best way to show your love for a new dish innovation?

Sing about it.

To announce its latest menu innovation and first baked entree, Noodles & Co wrote a love song. Working with social influencers to get people to sing along, the Chicken ParmSong made Chicken Parmesan top of mind for everyone. It might also get stuck in your head.


The Results

Thanks to a Rewards member exclusive launch phase, the campaign welcomed the brand’s 5 millionth new Rewards member.

And the campaign continues to drive more guests into the restaurant. Now that’s ParmAmazing.

1 Delicious musical feat

33% Increase in rewards signups

6.1% Of total sales

Top 3 Best selling dishes

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